Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Fifteen How to Reduce Stress

Fifteen How to Reduce Stress


Respect yourself! Do one of the 15 natural solutions quickly and easily eliminating tension and stress the following.

Drinking tea proven to affect levels of stress hormones in the body. British researchers found that people who drank tea had recovered from stress more quickly than those who drink other than tea. Tea contains catechins, poly phenols, flavonoids and amino acids that can affect brain neurotransmitters and reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in blood.

Go nuts
It's not crazy that is, but consume nuts. Nuts are rich in tryptophan and magnesium, two key nutrients that support serotonin production. In fact, almonds are rich in meaning not to go crazy, but consume nuts. Nuts are rich in tryptophan and magnesium, two key nutrients that support serotonin production. In fact, almonds are rich in nutritional stress relievers such as various vitamin B, zinc, vitamin E and antioxidants.

Ear rubbing
"According to Ayurveda, a science of Indian life five thousand years old, there Marma points (similar to acupuncture points) in the ears associated with some parts of the body," says Lissa Coffey, author / producer Dosha Yoga DVD. Circle stroke leaves your ears to reduce tension (right hand on the left hand and right ear on the left ear).

Inhaling aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has an instant calming effect that can ease the tension. Some fragrances proven to reduce stress are lavender, lemon balm, chamomile and geranium. Carol Duncan, aromateraphy and owner of Massage Central, which suggested to put Cotton aromatherapy oil drops a few inches near the fan, room air conditioners, heaters, and under the seat. The aroma will be mixed in the air the room as your therapy.

Vitamin C
Researchers from the University of Alabama states that vitamin C can reduce levels of stress hormones in the blood, so that eventually relieve the body respond to stress. Some studies have also suggested the consumption of 1,000 mg of vitamin C is helpful.

Self-administer acupressure
The definition is the emphasis on the points of the body with their own hands or fingers. Susan Lark, MD, an integrated medical experts and women's health, gives an example: Put your left hand fingers on the base of the skull's head, then lower the width of one finger, and slide one finger-width to the left as well. Place your right hand fingers in the same position on the right. Then press the two points for 1-3 minutes. According to Dr. Lark, stress relievers second point is located four finger-width below the kneecap, one finger and then widened to the outside of your shin.

Eat berries
Blueberries, blackberries and other berries contain several types of natural antioxidants strongest and full of vitamin C, making it a potent stress relievers. Stress causes the body to release free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules destroying normal cells) and antioxidants can help neutralize the harmful molecules.

Yoga pose
"When we are stressed, your muscles tend to stiffen and bend into the chest," says Lissa Coffey, author / producer Dosha Yoga DVD. Lissa recommend folding movement of both hands (like a praying position) behind the back, then pull the shoulder / shoulder to the rear, tilt the head back and breathe deep.

Stretch balanced movement
Lissa suggested another motion was sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor left. Place the right ankle over left knee, then tilt the body forward to stretch. Hold for as long as possible, then bent slightly forward again. Repeat with the changing position of the foot. "Pose, Lissa suggested other movement is to sit in a chair with your left foot flat on the floor. Place the right ankle over left knee, then tilt the body forward to stretch. Hold for as long as possible, then bent slightly forward again. Repeat with the changing position of the foot. "This pose able to open the hips and stretch the muscle balance," said Lissa.

Condition your mind back
"Its purpose is to instill a different context in your situation," said Dr. Jay Winner, MD, author of Take the Stress Out of Your Life. For example when you are in a long queue of a busy, take advantage of these conditions to calm the mind with a meet or talk with the person next to you. A positive thoughts can counteract the physiological changes (causes of stress) that are harmful to the body.

Eat complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates can boost serotonin levels, so maintaining a sense of calm and relaxing stay strong longer. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain foods and cereals (whole-grain) such as whole wheat bread, oats and brown rice and other types of legumes such as green beans, soy beans and lentils (lentils).

Exercise 10 reps
Relieve your tension with a spontaneous doing 10 reps of push-ups, sit-ups, jumping-jacks, or whatever instant exercise movement so that the circulation of blood to flow more smoothly in the body. Endorphin hormone that functions as a stress reliever will help you get out more fresh.

Laughing out loud
According to a study from the University of California Irvine, laughing out loud to boost the relief of stress hormones and increased hormone causes relaxation - an effect that can last for 24 hours. Read comics / funny story or a short laugh with colleagues until you laugh and feel relaxed to work again.

Consuming food makers happy
Some foods contain compounds that help the body to produce neurochemicals that affect mood (mood). Dr. Susan Lark, author of Hormone Revolution, said some foods that enhance the calming effect of which is the meat of turkey (rich in tryptophan, taurine and vitamin B6), pumpkin seeds, spinach, and black soybean (three of magnesium-rich), papaya (vitamin C); and bananas (rich in potassium).

Feeling the moment

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